Zoomill feed mills

Zoomill feed mills

Small and medium-sized feed mill plants

The zootechnical sector of Mulmix is marked by the ZooMill brand dedicated to the construction of small and medium-sized feed mill plants with capacities ranging from 1 to 10-12 tons/hour.

These plants are designed to be compact and easy to use, occupying an interesting position in the market for numerous feed producers both for internal use and commercial sales. ZooMill also offers turnkey solutions that guarantee an excellent quality-price ratio with standard or customized projects, including turnkey services according to the specific needs of each customer.


The range

Silos for animal feeds

Silos for animal feeds

8 T/H production unit UP8

8 T/H production unit UP8

4T/H production unit UP4

4T/H production unit UP4

Mill and mixer duplex

Mill and mixer duplex

Other Business Units