Cereal storage plant with total capacity of nearly 17.000 tons

Cereal storage plant with total capacity of nearly 17.000 tons


17.000 tons



Cereal storage plant with total capacity of nearly 17.000 tons composed of:
• 6 flat bottom silos FP 14.82/19 model total capacity 13.760 tons, disposed in two rows
• 4 flat bottom silos FP 83.34/20 model total capacity 2.950 tons for cooling
• 4 quick loading silos CR 3.70/8 model total capacity 225 tons and 3 cells for wastes

In the plant there are 2 dryers 3000 FR model
• 2 PT 1000 drum cleaners
• 1 VIBAM 1026 screen cleaner

Plant mechanization capacity 100 tons/h.